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Word definitions to know regarding information from the OPA Board or Administration
From A Forum Member

Profits = Operating Revenues minus Operating Costs ONLY - all other costs are charged to assessments.

Loss = Operating Revenues minus Operating Costs ONLY - all other costs are charged to assessments.

Change = Something to be studied and resisted.

Feasibility Studies = Studies paid for by OPA, Inc. and then ignored - see "Change".

Amenity = Something I use that you should pay for.

User Fees = Fees charged to amenity users to cover some or all of the amenity Operating Costs - other amenity costs are paid for by non-users of amenities. (See "Amenity").

Reserves = Amounts of money collected through assessments from property owners for unidentified needs in non-specified future periods but spent in current periods for non-budgeted items requested by newly elected directors who run on a cost control platform. 

Investment Fund = Monies collected currently to be spent in the immediate future which are invested in a capital preservation fund that should earn a return greater than the returns received by cocaine cartels.

Waterfront Lot Differential - An assessment that isn't.

Assessment = Basic annual association fee which should only be raised if it will fund rising costs of amenities I use. (See "Amenity").

Property Owner Input = Desired by the OPA Board. (See "Assessments", "User Fees" and "Waterfront Lot Differential").

Yacht Club = An extremely popular amenity among assessment-paying, year-round residents which is open full-time only during the peak rental season.

Beach Club = An extremely popular amenity (See"Amenity") that is open four months each year, earns a tiny profit (See "Profit") only when the weather is just right (See "Loss"), but is worth $20,000,000 to OPA if it was not the beach club.

Uploaded: 1/29/2005