10/31/2007 Getting to Know…Mike Howe
By Betty Cianci Mike Howe
For the past six years Mike Howell has been the Director of the Ocean Pines Department of Recreation. At first meeting you are struck by Mike's animated personality and the keen interest, concern and dedication shown for his position. Mike, a Southern California native, was born and raised in Corona, which is located between the cities of Riverside and Anaheim. After graduation from Corona High School he was awarded a football scholarship to the University of Southern California. Mike, sporting his USC jacket, proudly declared that his football team won the National Championship in 1974 at the Rose Bowl. Through the succeeding years Mike has had a number of responsible positions which have given him broad knowledge and insight into the recreation leadership field. In 1982, Mike came to the Eastern Shore and to Snow Hill where he served first as Coordinator of Recreation for Worcester County and then in 1986 and 1987 as director. Subsequently, he was offered a position in Providence, Rhode Island, as Director for School Grounds and Athletic Fields for 55 schools. Mike later returned to Maryland where he was employed by a private company in Westminster, Maryland that built and reconditioned athletic fields. The scope of his work included working on fields for professional teams such as the Fed Ex Field for the Washington Redskins, along with those of the Tennessee Titans and Kansas City Chiefs. He was also involved with his company's projects for the Maryland Capital Parks and Planning Commission where new or reconditioned football, soccer, softball and baseball fields were required for the needs of local youth and adult teams.
In 2001 Mike applied and became the successful candidate for the position as director of the Ocean Pines Department of Recreation. Mike had longed to return to the Eastern Shore since that is where he met his wife, Sharon, a native of Snow Hill. Mike and Sharon live in Ocean Pines and have three children. Sara, 20, a Stephen Decatur High School (SDHS) graduate, attends Wor-Wic College and also works for the Health Department in the After School Program with Berlin Intermediate; Danielle, 18, also a SDHS graduate, works with Ocean Pines Golf; and Will, 13, currently is a student at Stephen Decatur Middle School.When Mike was asked how he manages the wide spectrum of recreational activities that his department handles which includes, among other activities, programs for tots, softball and basketball for children, swim parties for teens, belly dancing for adults, and concerts in the park; he quickly answered, "I have a good staff. They are diversified and love Ocean Pines as much as I do. We listen to people and put things together."
Mike also happily commented that many residents who originally opposed enclosing the Sports Core pool are now impressed with the outcome and find it more attractive than they had imagined. As Mike explained, "swimming is a total workout for the body and the pool is a growing attraction". The year-around pool now has a wide variety of aquatic programs covering every age group from children to seniors.
Looking ahead as recreation director, Mike sees a growing need for providing adequate indoor facilities for basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer, and other sports for both children and adults. Mike ended his conversation by wistfully commenting, "Hopefully with time that will come."
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