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Venit Slams Staff
Tom Stauss' article on flap over catering at Yacht Club on summer weekends - Ocean Pines Progress.1/14/2006. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Llinas Indictment
Tom Stauss' Life in the Pines commentary on Llinas indictment from the Ocean Pines Progress.1/1/2006. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Dan versus Tom?
Tom Stauss' Life in the Pines commentary on Cetola v Stachurski from the Ocean Pines Progress.1/1/2006. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Golf Budget Revisited
Tom Stauss' Life in the Pines commentary on OPA golf budget from the Ocean Pines Progress.1/1/2006. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Tom Stauss' Life in the Pines commentary on possible new YMCA site from the Ocean Pines Progress.1/1/2006. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Election Year 2006
Tom Stauss' Life in the Pines commentary on county and state elections from the Ocean Pines Progress.1/1/2006. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
ARC Transparency
Joe Reynolds reviews the first meeting of the ad Hoc Committee looking at ARC/ECC process. 12/20/2005. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Storm Drainage Report
Art Sachs presents Comprehensive Plan Committee report on storm water management at OPA Board meeting. 12/21/2005. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Tom Stauss 12/17/2005
Tom Stauss' Life in the Pines commentary from the Ocean Pines Progress. Sewage and golf issues 12/17/2005. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Tom Stauss 12/3/2005
Tom Stauss' Life in the Pines commentary from the Ocean Pines Progress. 12/3/2005. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
New Development in Showell?
Up to 1800 homesites envisioned for new residential development. Ocean Pines Progress article by Tom Stauss. 12/3/2005. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Tom Stauss 11/19/2005
Tom Stauss' Life in the Pines commentary from the Ocean Pines Progress. 11/19/2005. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Special Meeting
OPA holds special meetings on marina petition and contracts. 11/8/2005. By Bob Lassahn. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Town Hall Meeting
OPA holds Town Hall meeting for input on new Community Center. 11/1/2005. By Bob Lassahn. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Who's On First?
Misinformation and confusion are the rule when it comes to ECC and/or ARC. Commentary by Joe Reynolds.10/29/2005 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Courier on ECC-ARC
Courier article about ECC/ARC motions and discussions at OPA Board meeting on 10/19/2005. By Bob Lassahn. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Mandatory Fees Memo
Memorandum prepared by Joe Schanno on OPA mandatory fees. 10/14/2005 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Assessment Follies
Some OPA board members seem to be in a bit of a panic mode over assessments. Commentary by Joe Reynolds. 10/16/2005 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Route 50 Bridge
Courier article about public workshop on new Route 50 Bridge designs. 10/12/2005 By Bob Lassahn. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Cook To Venit
Heather Cook responds to Mark Venit letter about her blaming him and Dan Stachurski for election problems. 10/8/2005 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Calendar |
Budget Town Hall - Golf Clubhouse
2/5/2025 - 11:00 A.M. |
OPA Board Meeting - Golf Clubhouse
2/22/2025 - 9:00 A.M. |
OPA Board Meeting - Golf Clubhouse
3/29/2025 - 9:00 A.M. |
OPA Board Meeting - Golf Clubhouse
4/26/2025 - 9:00 A.M. |
OPA Board Meeting - Golf Clubhouse
5/24/2025 - 9:00 A.M. |