Injured Bald Eagle on his way to the specialists.
Severely injured adult Bald Eagle was rescued from the bay this afternoon. I am not clear on what caused his injuries, but he was helpless in the water for over three hours until some of my Tern's Landing neighbors finally got him ashore and into a large dog crate. I then called around to my animal rescue and veterinary friends and found a licensed Bald Eagle rescue organization in Newark, Delaware. Leslie and I drove Spirit (yes, we named him) to the facility and I will say that Spirit is not a huge fan of 2.5 hour rides in a Jeep!
He is now is the care of specialists and they assure me that I can be a part of his release into the wild when and if he recovers fully.
Uploaded: 6/12/2011 by Stan Mawyer
(3/18/2015) Joe Reynolds wrote:
Stan, whatever happened with the eagle in the photo?
(3/18/2015) Stan Mawyer wrote:
Joe, after a few weeks in intensive care at TriState Bird Rescue, he relearned to fly and catch dinner (live mice). Then on that July 4th holiday period, they brought him back to me and I was privileged to release Spirit back into the wild blue yonder at Isle of Wight Park. At least 75 people turned out to observe. Remarkably, Spirit showed that he remembered me (no doubt because of my driving on the way to TriState a few weeks earlier). At any rate, he favored us all with a few slow and low circles around us, then rapidly gained altitude and quickly disappeared to the North. There is a photo show of the day on my web site Leslie and I feel blessed that God allowed us the experience with Spirit. As a pilot, race car driver, ship's captain, and world traveler, I can honestly say that saving, then releasing Spirit back into the free skies is a high point in my life.