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Click image to enlargeMilitary Clean Up

Photo From: Jack Barnes - Album: Pines People

Description: The Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean
Pines is a wonderful tribute to those whose serve in our Armed Forces. It is a
beautiful well-kept Memorial, and often overlooked are those that help keep it
this way. Each month one member from one of the services is assigned to clean
up the goose and bird droppings; this involves power washing the Memorial
itself as well as the adjacent history placards. Weeds are removed, and a Memorial
that would pass any military inspection is the final result. At times members of several services can be
seen working together if there is a special Memorial service upcoming. Seen sprucing up the Memorial are L to R Skip Bowers, Air Force, Dave Smith, Marines/ current clean up organizer,
Bill Lee, Army and John Henglein, Navy and former organizer for 8 years.

Uploaded: 6/21/2014 by Jack Barnes
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