
Video: Storm Water 9/14/2005
OPA Board Meeting of 9/14/2005. Heather Cook motion to have the General Manager present a program for improvement of storm water management for possible board adoption by the December meeting. Cook suggested the hiring of a professional consultant. This could be in the range of $30,000. Overall the cost for stormwater management improvements could be in the range of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The motion passed 4-1 with Sterrett, Cook, Stachurski, and Venit voting yes, Kelley voting no, and Duffy abstaining.. Kelley's objection seemed to be based on her feeling the board should also include a look at environmental factors and a more overall approach to causes and prevention.

Interestingly, Heather Cook commented on how the county is responsible for newer homes having fill placed over the lot and causing water to runoff on adjoining lots. She apparently does not know ECC can control lot elevations as well.

There was also talk about the storm water management preventing the flooding in many parts of the Pines during heavy rains. Nothing is going to prevent this. It could be Ocean Pines will spend large sums of money and not solve the heavy rain problems because the problems cannot be solved. Time will tell.