
Video: Board Nixes Petition
At a public meeting on 11/4/2005 the OPA Board of Directors board officially revealed their counsel's advice that the board does not have to honor the marina petition. Instead, the board voted to send a letter to the marina petition group (Charlie Herpen) stating the board intends to hold a referendum on the marina but will do so on a timetable and with a question decided by the board.

In short, the board will not follow the by-laws in regard to this marina petition. As to when, or if, the board might hold a referendum there will be no consideration of that until after the board hears from MDE on the marina expansion permit. The board originally thought it might be hearing from MDE in a few days. Dave Ferguson said any MDE decision is now off until at least the end of November, and possibly later. There was no mention of a Worcester County Shoreline Commission permit.

Interestingly, Janet Kelley, the ceremonial first signer of the petition, voiced no objections when the vote came on sending the letter to Herpen, a letter that essentially rejects the petition despite the carefully crafted wording saying the board will hold a referendum. Kelley did not appear to vote, but said she voted to send the letter when asked after the meeting. Later in the day she decided she had not really voted.

The next move is up to the marina petition group.