
Video: Report Rejected
This short video segment has OPA Director Mark Venit attempting to deliver the report of the ad Hoc Marketing Committee. Venit is abruptly cut short by President Glenn Duffy who would not allow the report to be presented because Duffy said it includes personnel matters.

Duffy asked for a motion to refer the report back to the committee to have anything related to personnel removed, and to have all committee members sign-off on the report. Heather Cook made the requested motion and Dan Stachurski seconded. The motion passed with Cook, Stachurski, and Sterrett voting YES, Venit NO. Kelley and Duffy abstaining. Coleburn absent.

During discussion Venit offers to read the report and exclude those areas. Duffy again rejects this attempt. Venit suggests the motion would essentially tell the committee that personnel can't be criticized in even a generic sense, even if no specific persons are named.

One can only wonder why the report was not allowed to be presented at the meeting since it was produced at public meetings of the ad Hoc Marketing Committee. Why must all members of the ad Hoc Committee sign-off on the report? Why is the board trying to hide this report?