
Video: Venit's Marketing Report
OPA board member Mark Venit presented a somewhat abbreviated version of the report of the ad Hoc Marketing Committee. Amidst some controversy, the board did not allow the report to be presented at a previous meeting, asking Venit to have all committee members "sign off" on the report and redact certain areas the board felt dealt with personnel. It is widely assumed the original report was not particularly flattering of food service management, although Venit would only say no one was mentioned by name.

A major component of the report as presented dealt with improved marketing of the Yacht Club.

The video includes only the report. Venit then went on to offer motions based on the report. Those video segments are provided separately.

Just after the report President Glenn Duffy asked for a motion to table all of Venit's intended motions. Dan Stachurski made the requested motion. It failed for lack of a second and Venit then continued and presented his motions.