
Video: Candidate Inspections
Why would OPA Board members vote YES to continue an automatic ARC inspection of a board candidate's home immediately after the individual files to run for the board.

This is not provided for in the by-laws and there is no official authorization granted to the actual ECC committee or the ARC staff, or any other administration person to authorize this. While the board, in the motion, did finally formalize that the inspection will happen, said inspection does not automatically make a candidate ineligible to run or to be nominated by the nominating committee. A notice from ARC staff or ECC of a possible violation does not make anyone ineligible to run.

Only the OPA Board, by majority vote, can remove voting and elective office privileges for association members. Neither ARC staff nor the ECC has authority to do this.

It also creates an atmosphere where ARC can be used for political purposes by administration or even ARC staff members.

Here's what the by-laws say about a member in good standing:

Section 1.08. The term “Member in Good Standing” shall mean and refer to a member of the Association who is not delinquent in any assessments, fees or other charges established by the Association or any of its departments and ancillary organizations and who is not in continuing violation of any Restrictive Covenant of the Association or any rules or regulations established by the Board of Directors after receiving notice of said violation

Note the bolded word "continuing" above." This word is not used any other location in the by-laws. Why, one might ask. The reason is the Declarations of Restrictions, a document the by-laws cannot supersede, covers this.

The DRs provide the OPA board with authority to declare continuing violations and remove voting and other rights. No other individual or group is granted such authority.

George Coleburn attempted to explain this issue but the board either didn't understand or didn't want to understand.