
Video: Board to Borland: NO!
Association member Mike Borland asked the Board of Directors to notify the membership of his intent to make a motion to remove six of seven OPA Board members at the Annual Meeting in August. During a special meeting on 7/3/2006 the board voted 3-2-2 not to allow Borland to make his motion. Borland sought to have the membership vote on removing all directors with the exception of George Coleburn.

Directors Sterrett, Duffy, and Cook said NO; Venit and Kelley voted to allow the motion; Stachurski and Coleburn abstained.

In a somewhat surprising move, the board held the discussion and vote in a public session, after a lengthy discussion on a motion by Director Sterrett to do so in public. The motion to remain in public session passed by a surprising 6-0-1 vote, with all directors in favor except Stachurski, who abstained. Stachurski chaired the meeting as vice-president at the request of President Glenn Duffy who participated via conference call -- as did directors Cook and Kelley. Stachurski handled the meeting in an open and fair fashion, allowing all to fully participate.

The board members seem to be finally catching up with the general membership in realizing it is important for their deliberations to be open and transparent, not behind closed doors.

Hopefully this transparency will continue.