
Video: OPA Goals Meeting
Ocean Pines Association special board meeting to discuss goals for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. The board, with Dan Stachurski absent and Glenn Duffy needing to leave early, spent just over two hours in discussion and eventually passed a motion with goals pretty much the same as the prior fiscal year.

The last time the board looked at the current fiscal year goals was when they discussed them last year. Much time and discussion splitting hairs over words for a document that sounds important but in reality is meaningless -- meaningless in that the board will do whatever it chooses at any given time on any given issue, regardless of any goals buried in a file cabinet. History is the proof. Some credit must be given to Reid Sterrett for a somewhat successful attempt to move the discussion along, otherwise the session would have lasted three or four hours.

The only highlight of the meeting was a somewhat unexpected appearance of new General Manager Thomas Olson, scheduled to be on the job next Monday. Olson participated briefly, but it was enough to raise my expectations that OPA has a good man for the position. Olson enters the room about 7 minutes into the meeting.

Now, hopefully, the board will back off and let Olson manage Ocean Pines. If today's long-winded discussion and a battery motions for the October 18 meeting are any indication, it will be difficult, if not impossible, for this board to keep its collective nose out of day-to-day management. Pray for a miracle.

Instead of talking about two board meetings a month, the board should consider a meeting every two months.