
Video: OPA Board 12-18-2006

Complete OPA Board meeting of 12/18/2006. Special meeting with topic of golf fees for the coming year. On motion by Dan Stachurski, the board voted to set the family member rate at $2400, $400 more than recommended by GM Tom Olson, and $600 more than recommended by the OPA golf consultant.

It should be noted the consultant suggested the $1800 rate to stay competitive with other area courses, especially Ocean City Golf, and to help increase membership.

The board has again returned to tweaking based on pure speculation.

After Stachurski's motion passed, Tom Sandusky proposed a motion to take the increased income from the fee increase and reduce fees for cart rental. Now that is really heaping speculation on speculation.

Heather Cook seemed pleased that Olson's plan is speculated to lose only around $30,000.

Stachurski, Cook, Unger, and Sandusky voted to up the rate to $2400. Zawacki and Duffy opposed, presumably with the intent of allowing the GM to manage the course without continued speculative board tweaking.