
Video: Aquatics Budget
Budget & Finance Committee discussion of proposed aquatics budget for fiscal 2007/2008 1/3/2007. Some very interesting discussion, especially in regards to membership rates for new indoor pool. The aquatics operation, as a result of the indoor pool, will now produce a projected $30,000 or so loss per year as opposed to a $100,000 profit.

The indoor pool, contrary to what was originally stated by proponent Reid Sterrett, will likely cost all lot owners over $100,000 in assessment increase, plus all lot owners will be footing the bill for the enclosure construction. The budget calls for pool members to pay only the interest on a $500,000 loan, with all owners paying the loan principal and another $500,000 coming from reserves. 

At today's (1/4/2007) board budget review Beth Gismondi, chair of the Budget & Finance Committee, expressed concern that the indoor pool project had been sold to the community on the premise swimming members had said they would pay all costs associated with construction and operation, but now they are not.

It also turns out the exterior walls and roof will be a translucent material. Those inside the pool area will not be able to see out, and those outside will not be able to see in.