
Video: Budget Session
OPA Board meets in worksession to discuss 2007/2008 OPA budget. No substantive changes made. 2/12/2007.

Harlyn Goldman makes superb presentation on need for golf course drainage work. Sandusky drops motion to postphone work and also drops motion to reduce assessment increase.

Sandusky makes motion to return marina slip fee structure to old system of winter and summer rates with an increase of 10% over last year. Previously the board had accepted the General Manager's proposed budget with an increase of 20% and also made the fee applicable for year round.

Reid Sterrett seconded Sandusky's motion. Final vote was Sandusky, Sterrett, Cook, Duffy voting in favor; Zawacki and Unger against.

Vote means about $18,000 less income for OPA according to Zawacki. GM says the $18,000 will be recovered by placing $18,000 less in reserves from assessment increase.