
Video: Proxy Voting
Video coverage of OPA board meeting segment on proxy voting at membership meetings. 6/4/2007.

The issue in this video segment is related to possible by-laws changes related to proxy voting at annual or special meetings of the association members. Discussion includes a fair amount of input from OPA counsel Joe Moore as to what the membership can or can't do at annual or special meetings. Moore mentioned Mike Borland's attempt last year to remove board members as something that would not be allowed at an annual meeting.

At one point General Manager Tom Olson mentions that the petition threshold of 10% of lots is too low and also his feeling that the quorum of 100 lots at annual or special meetings may be too low. Olson suggests the possibility of including a proxy in the annual meeting notice so that association members could assign OPA to vote for them on issues coming up in the annual meeting. This would effectively put the association in total control of every annual or special meeting.

Reid Sterrett expressed confidence that Moore would limit or prohibit passing of motions Moore thought were out of order. No board member mentioned that Moore, even as parliamentarian at the annual meeting, has no absolute authority over anything. The annual meeting is not a board meeting, rather a meeting of association members to conduct the business of the association. Moore has no absolute authority over board meetings either, for that matter. The board can choose to ignore anything Moore suggests, despite Heather Cook's reference to Moore as the "Supreme Court of Ocean Pines" -- a moniker even Moore denies.

Other areas of discussion include the idea of allowing motions only previously placed on the annual meeting agenda by the board or by petition from lot owners, and whether lot owners could provide proxy voting capability to another individual or only to the association.

The theme of the discussion seemed to be an attempt to avoid what was characterized as the "anarchy" at the annual meeting last year.