
Video: 2007 Amenity Forum - Candidates
Full video coverage of Amenity Committee Candidates Forum 7/6/2007.

After the meeting candidate Marty Clarke asked on the forum message board, "What did you (Joe Reynolds) think about the forum at the Country Club tonight?"

I replied:

I thought it provided a better assessment of candidates than the OPA Forum.

I thought it was unfortunate that Falcinelli, Rakow and Venit were not present, since written statements read by someone else reveal little.

I thought, of the six candidates present, the most impressive in terms of demeanor and presentation was Les Purcell.

I thought that you (Clarke), among all the candidates, expressed most clearly what you thought and not what you thought the crowd wanted to hear. In particular, when you said to the crowd that it did not make much difference what they wanted or what you wanted, rather the question should be what 8400 or so lot owners want. I think some in the audience booed at that point.

I thought that whatever one may think of Dan Stachurski's policies and handling of the Community Center after the first referendum, I did not see anyone tonight with his charisma and leadership qualities.

Overall I was not overly impressed with responses from any of the candidates. There were no specifics, just platitudes.

Now, to follow your lead and be perfectly blunt -- after the forum I was speaking with Rota Knott and Tom Stauss. They asked what I thought overall.

My reply was --

We need more candidates.