
Video: Town Hall By-Laws (1)
Video coverage of OPA Town Hall meeting on by-laws revisions held on 8/25/2007.

For anyone actually interested in the by-laws this was an excellent opportunity to fully discuss all issues.

The meeting was handled by the By-Laws Committee (Chair Al Bridgman, Gail Kretchmar, and Ron Haslam). All four new board members were in the audience (no returning board members) and all participated in the discussions, essentially as fellow lot owners. Refreshing. General Manager Tom Olson was also in attendance.

The small crowd, perhaps 15 or so, allowed full participation on a more or less casual/informal basis for anyone desiring to do so. The meeting lasted just over three hours but most in attendance stayed nearly the entire time, a testament to the interest of those attending and the quality of the discussions.

The discussions on all aspects of the by-laws were civil and a number of people expressed some views that have merit.

How the by-laws changes will shake out remains to be seen, but, all in all, the meeting was a terrific example of democracy at work (I know, I know, OPA is not  a democracy).

Kudos to the By-Laws Committee for great Town Hall meeting.