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Focus On The Pines Veterans Day. Jack Barnes takes you to the 2009 Veterans Day ceremony held at Community Church. 11/11/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Board 10-21-2009 CPI OPA Board meeting to discuss policy for CPI in handling violations and inspector access. 10/21/2009 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 10-14-2009 OPA Board meeting. Budget; Wood Duck drainage; YC closing; ARC violations; and more. 10/14/2009 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Mediacom 10-8-2009 Mediacom cable public meeting with association members. 10/8/2009 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 9-16-2009 OPA Board meeting. Golf update; pump station fencing; ARC violations; and more. 9/16/2009 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Focus On The Pines and Jack Barnes take you to the grand opening of the new OPA Community Center. 9/12/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Focus On The Pines Focus on the Pines host Jack Barnes takes you to the grand opening of the new northside OPVFD station. 9/12/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Focus On The Pines Focus on the Pines host Jack Barnes talks with new OPA Board of Directors president Bill Rakow. 9/1/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 8-26-2009 OPA Board special meeting called by Bill Rakow to address goals, set calendar for year, and more. 8/26/2009 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 8-19-2009 OPA Board organizational meeting; Bill Rakow elected new OPA Board president. 8/19/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 8-11-2009 OPA Board special meeting to set Community Hall locker policy; Seacrets lease. 8/11/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Annual Meeting 8-8-2009 Ocean Pines Association annual meeting of the membership. Finance, GM report, election results... and more. 8-8-2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Focus On The Pines Focus on the Pines. Bob Lassahn talks briefly with new OPA Directors Pete Gomsak and Bob Thompson. 8/8/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 7-15-2009 OPA Board workshop and regular meeting. Community Hall fees, golf task force, and more. 7/15/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Candidates Forum 6-17-2009 OPA Candidates Forum. Ray Unger, Robert Thompson, Roelof Oostveen, and Pete Gomsak . 6/17/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 6-17-2009 OPA Board workshop and regular meeting. 6/17/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 6-10-2009 OPA Board meeting to discuss 99-year lease of OC bayside property to Leighton Moore (Seacrets). 6/10/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
ARC adHoc 6-2-2009 First meeting of ARC adHoc Committee looking at violation process and details. 6/2/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Focus On The Pines Focus on the Pines host Jack Barnes talks with George Alston, internationally known dog handler. 5/20/2009. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Memorial Day 2009 Memorial Day 2009 ceremony at the Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |