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Less We Forget "The Mission Dedicated to the Airmen of WW II - Uploader: John McLaughlin |
The song "God Bless America" Kate Smith sings God Bless America - Uploader: John McLaughlin |
Who's On First? Two-minute video. 10/29/2015 GM says Cordwell is golf liaison; 11/19/2015 Cordwell says he is not golf liaison. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Organization Meeting 2015 OPA Board of Directors selects officers for the coming year. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Candidates Forum 2015 OPA Board of Directors Candidates Forum 2015. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 11/22/2014 Part 1 Regular OPA Board meeting. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 11/22/2014 Part 2 Regular OPA Board meeting. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Town Hall Meeting Ocean Pines Association Town Hall meeting. 11/13/2014 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Board Meeting 11/3/2014 Special board meeting to approve boat ramp construction contract. 11/3/2014 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Future of Golf HBO RealSports looks at the future of golf. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 10/23/2014 Regular OPA board meeting. Electronic signs, new bar tables at YC, GM report, boat ramp; more. 10/23/2014 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 10/18/2014 Discussion of working groups to discuss future major projects and lessons learned at YC. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 9/27/2014 Regular OPA Board meeting; goose control; natural gas; reserve study; and more. . 9/27/2014. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 9/3/2014 Special meeting of OPA Board of Directors to set meeting schedule for the coming year. 9/3/2014. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Ice bucket Challenge Teagan and I did the Ice bucket challenge - Uploader: John McLaughlin |
Organization Meeting Board meets to select officers for coming year. Dave Stevens is elected president. 8/13/2014 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Annual Meeting 2014 OPA 2014 Annual Meeting of Membership; election results, and more. 8/9/2014 - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
OPA Board 7/29/2014 Special OPA board meeting. Racquet sports; CPI issues, and more. 7/29/2014. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Board Meeting 7/23/2014 Regular OPA board meeting; tennis/paddleball dispute; CPI violations; GM report and more. 7/23/20134. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Candidates Forum 2014 OPA Board Candidates Forum 6/21/2014. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |