Sock Hop benefits WC Veterans Memorial
By Bob Lassahn
On April 24 the 707 Bar and Grill located on Old Bridge Road (MD Route 707) was transformed into a 1950s era soda shop as the Veterans Memorial Foundation held a "Sock Hop" to benefit the Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines. Arriving guests were greeted by a selection of 1950s vintage vehicles, courtesy of the OC Cruisers and local businessman Marty Groff, displayed at the entrance.
The 707 Bar and Grill may be familiar to many as home to the Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Club, but for the evening the décor was anything but football. The guests added to the ambiance by dressing appropriate to the occasion, with poodle skirts and other suitable 50s attire dominating the scene. Even the 707 staff dressed for the occasion and DJ Hey Mick made the event complete by spinning the popular tunes of the era.
Bill and Matt Rados, owners of 707 did yeoman's duty in turning out plenty of food, appropriately including burgers, fries and pizza. They then went above and beyond the call of duty by donating two checks to the Memorial Foundation, one from 707 and the other from their Breakfast Bill's enterprise located in Pines Plaza. Not to be outdone in generosity to the cause the winner of the 50/50 raffle donated back his winnings.
All in all a great evening of good music, dancing and reminiscing about the "good old days." Along with raising funds for the operation of the Veterans Memorial the evening provided a fun event, complete with 1950s trivia and a hula hoop contest, to entertain the 100 plus guests that turned out.
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