Food and Beverage Services Marketing Survey
for the Clubs and Organizations of Ocean Pines
January 27, 2003
On November 21, 2002, the Ocean Pines Clubs Advisory Committee voted to sanction a survey of the clubs and organizations of Ocean Pines. The purpose of the survey was to obtain the comments of the organizations and clubs since they represent a large sample of the Ocean Pines community. The survey was intended to capture information that may be useful to the Ocean Pines Board of Directors. This information provides an assessment of the current market for the food/beverage needs of the various Ocean Pines clubs and organizations. It also provides comments on food, service, and prices to help the Ocean Pines Food and Beverage operations further reduce the annual losses being experienced.
A simple survey form (Attachment 1) was developed and distributed to the surveyors. The survey was performed by an unbiased, independent cross section of property owners residing in Ocean Pines. The surveyors included two members of the Clubs Committee, and two prospective members. The survey was intended to provide a mechanism for the clubs and organizations to express their thoughts and opinions about their food/beverage needs. It was also intended to provide insight into the actions necessary to gain additional customers for the Ocean Pines food/beverage services. When Ocean Pines clubs and organizations choose to purchase outside of the Ocean Pines food and beverage operations, all residents end up paying for these services twice. First, the residents pay for their food/beverages directly to businesses outside Ocean Pines. Secondly, they pay again as a direct subsidy to support the losses being incurred by the Ocean Pines food/beverage operations. The overall objective of this survey was to provide information to help return the food/beverage operations to profitability.
A total of 60 surveys were distributed during the latter part of November, 2002 and most organizations responded during December 2003 and early January 2003. (Attachment 2 reflects the organizations that were surveyed, and the individuals that performed the surveys.) Of the 60 survey forms, 50 (83%) were returned and 10 were not. Of the 50 returned, 36 of the clubs and organizations had food and beverage requirements, and 14 did not. The organizations responding estimated the number of members in their group. The 36 organizations responding estimated that this survey represents approximately 4400 club and organization members. Bear in mind that there is some double counting since residents may belong to multiple clubs in Ocean Pines. The data for the 36 organizations responding were summarized by the end of January 2003 and forwarded to the Clubs Committee for comment and for further action.
The results of the surveys are summarized in Attachment 3. The original survey forms are available upon request and copies have been provided to the individuals performing the survey including members of the Clubs Committee.
Summary of Food and Beverage Marketing Surveys
for the Clubs and Organizations of Ocean Pines
January 27, 2003
(Results based on the 36 Organizations/Clubs that responded)
This survey indicated that 36 organizations had food and beverage requirements about 477 times in one year. Of the 477 events, 188 (39%) were at Ocean Pines facilities, 135 (28%) were at both Ocean Pines facilities and outside provider facilities, and 154 (32%) were outside of Ocean Pines.
The estimated amount of dollars spent annually by the organizations was $231,188. Of this amount, $97,932 (42%) was spent at Ocean Pines facilities, $91,200 (40%) was spent between Ocean Pines facilities and outside providers, and $42,054 (21%) was spent totally outside of Ocean Pines. This data indicates that there is a potential Ocean Pines market for all of the $42,054 being spent outside of Ocean Pines, and for that portion of the $91,200 that is being spent outside of Ocean Pines. Winning the business of those organizations currently spending their money outside, has the potential to substantially reduce the current Ocean Pines food/beverage deficits.
While only 10 (28%) of the organizations use Ocean Pines facilities exclusively, 14 (39%) indicated a desire to support the clubs of Ocean Pines. This indicates that even though some organizations don’t use Ocean Pines, they would like to support Ocean Pines food/beverage facilities.
While no specific questions as to the quality of food, service, or prices were asked, both positive and negative comments were received. Concerning the quality of food, 11 organizations (30%) commented, 2 were favorable, 9 were unfavorable. Concerning the service, 13 organizations (36%) commented, 2 were favorable, 11 were unfavorable. Concerning the prices charged, 12 organizations (33%) commented, 1 was favorable, 11 were unfavorable. This data indicates that negative comments were received in a range of 4.5-11 times to 1 favorable comment.
Other comments not related to food, service, or prices were received from 25 (69%) of the 36 organizations. Favorable comments were received from 3 organizations. They commented that the facilities were convenient and management does an excellent job of catering. Unfavorable comments or suggestions were received from 22 of the 25 organizations. The most frequent comment was concerning a less than favorable attitude of the personnel. The next most frequent unfavorable comment was that management cannot or will not accommodate the clubs or organizations’ needs. Other comments included the menu is too limited or never changes, no separate checks, better music or entertainment, better hours of operation. The comments in their entirety are provided in the copies of the surveys furnished to the Clubs Committee.