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Publisher’s statement: No strings attached

It has certainly been an interesting couple of weeks since I decided to publish a guest commentary by Joe Reynolds regarding the financial condition of the Ocean Pines Yacht Club that first appeared on Mr. Reynolds' website,  Reaction from the OPA was swift.  Food and Beverage Director Pudge Ruppert canceled his advertising because The Courier was not "advocating" for OPA.  His actions were supported by OPA general manager Tom Olson and ultimately by the Board of Directors.  Invitations made personally by me to Messrs. Olson and Ruppert to respond to the substance of the commentary were declined.  Instead they decided to shoot the messenger.  That's certainly one way to handle the situation. It's questionable whether it's the best way. Nonetheless my invitation to the OPA to discuss the financial situation at the Yacht Club is still open and will remain open.

I never intended for the OPA's decision to cancel its Yacht Club advertising to become public.  As far as I was concerned it was a private matter with a client best handled professionally and through proper channels.  Regretfully, the OPA felt differently as within a couple of hours Mr. Ruppert was boasting publicly at the Yacht Club bar that he had put me in my place by canceling his advertising.  It wasn't long before his comments were reported on

During the OPA Board meeting last Wednesday morning, Mr. Olson unexpectedly brought up the topic of advertising.  He said he plans to review the advertising strategy of the association in order to measure its effectiveness. 

Ostensibly Mr. Olson claims he wants to spend money in ways that get results for the association.  As a property owner of many years, I applaud this action.  Property owners want results for the money they spend and the OPA manages, which was precisely the crux of the commentary that ignited the firestorm in the first place.  I do hope the plan Mr. Olson articulated publicly regarding advertising will be executed across all OPA departments and operations.  We property owners and the community as a whole will be much better off.  And truthfully we expect it.

Unfortunately, Mr. Olson did not condemn the practice of retribution or retaliation against publications or individuals that do not "advocate" for OPA.  Published articles, commentaries and even letters to the editor could be grounds for OPA's wrath yet again if they are not "favorable" to the association.  What a chilling signal to send.   The OPA can handle its advertising placement as it chooses.  The Courier will not change its editorial practice of publishing reasoned, well written articles, commentary and letters to the editor that illuminate issues and subjects for our readers.  If OPA wants to continue advertising in The Courier it is with the understanding that there are no strings attached.

Bringing to the attention of property owners and the board of directors problems, challenges and inefficiencies that exist within the community is the responsibility of everyone who is interested in making Ocean Pines an even better place to live.  That responsibility is incumbent upon individuals, clubs and organizations and yes even a newspaper.  When property owners recently had to vote again on whether to proceed with the proposed community center, I invited Tom Olson who advocated OPA's position for the project and Marty Clark who at the time spearheaded the effort to stop construction, space in The Courier for four weeks at no cost to articulate without a filter their positions to readers.  They took me up on the offer and I believe the community was well served by their efforts. 

It may not be comfortable or timely to deal with difficult issues but rightly or wrongly it goes with the territory of being a general manager or a board member.  Raising an issue of concern is not a call to arms, but rather an opportunity to improve that which needs improving.  It's understood the resolution to a problem may not be to everyone's liking but that's the way it is.

It has never been my objective with this newspaper to employ "gotcha" journalism, or to embarrass an individual or organization.  My objective has been from the first edition, to bring to readers information of interest and let them make up their own minds, with malice toward none.  I'm going to continue publishing this newspaper the way I have, informing, entertaining and giving readers an unbiased report of what's going on around them.  How the OPA decides to proceed regarding its advertising in this or any other advertising venue is up to them, as it should be.  This is a great community fortunate to have many dedicated people working to keep it that way. 

Now, the question still remains, does OPA intend to change the way the Yacht Club operates?

Chip Bertino


The Courier

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Uploaded: 9/26/2007