![]() ![]() Section 18: Worcester County Subject: County to Rip Off Ocean Pines? Msg# 1222585
Marty, thanks for sending me a copy of your letter to the Commissioners, reproduced below:
March 22, 2025 Commissioners Thank you for your efforts on the behalf of Worcester County residents. I am proud to be a long term, voting, tax paying resident whose address for the past thirty-three years has been 855 Ocean Parkway in the Ocean Pines subdivision. I have raised my family and conducted a relatively successful business here. Last Wednesday, I had the opportunity to watch your Commissioner meeting. I was astonished to hear about the irregular $9.2 Million Dollar loan advanced to some of the 11 separate sanitation districts initially without proper authorization. Apparently this was to help stabilize losses generated by a few of these districts. If I was hearing correctly, there are some Commissioners who believe this loan should be paid back equally by all 11 districts no matter how much they were responsible for the deficit. The notable exception is the Riddle Farm sanitation district. The Riddle Farm sanitary district may very well be the worst offender and yet $2.7 Million of the $9.2 Million has been gifted to the Riddle Farm sanitation district as a grant that does not need to be repaid to the County tax payers. Why? Commissioners, with all due respect, my understanding is current county law separates each sanitary district which is held accountable and stands on their own. Ocean Pines sanitary district did not contribute one cent to the $9.2 Million Dollar deficit and shouldn’t be expected to help pay off debts generated by other sanitary districts. Sincerely Martin D. Clarke Cc: Ocean Pines Board of Directors
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: County to Rip-Off Ocean Pines? commentary by Joe Reynolds, OceanPinesForum.com Anyone having doubts about the intent of a majority of Worcester County Commissioners to ripoff the ratepayers in the Ocean Pines Water and Wastewater Service Area should view the video of today's County Commissioners meeting. Nothing was passed, but only one solution for paying off debt accumulated by 11 or so service areas was offered -- to have all 18,000 properties served pay off the entire debt equally. With the Ocean Pines area serving 10,000 of those 18,000 properties and responsible for only a fraction of the debt, the County seems determined to ripoff the Ocean Pines area ratepayers big-time. For example, last year, all the service areas were a combined $2.1 million underwater. A commissioner majority seems intent on proposing a rate increase to cover that overall loss by making all 18,000 rate payers foot the bill -- about $117 each. However, the Ocean Pines area portion of the actual shortfall is only around $117,000, or a fair rate increase of just $11.70! However, that is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the County ripping off people in Ocean Pines. There is also an outstanding County loan of $9.2 million of taxpayer general funds to the 11 service areas, covering years of past failure by the County to collect enough fees from ratepayers in each service area. A majority of Commissioners seem intent on also forcing lot owners in Ocean Pines to pay for that as well, but this is being put off until next year - perhaps for political purposes. Divided among all 18,000 ratepayers this would eventually add an additional $511 to the bill sent to Ocean Pines ratepayers. Ocean Pines District 5 County Commissioner Chip Bertino was adamant during the meeting that the solution suggested by certain Commissioners was totally unfair to the people of Ocean Pines. Commissioner Bunting agreed with Bertino. Of interest is most of the debt belongs to service areas in County districts represented by Fiori and Elder. Those two, supported by Mitrecic and Purnell, will be political heroes in their districts if the ripoff of Ocean Pines ratepayers is successful. Those four Commissioners supporting the Ocean Pines ripoff would not even agree to a Bertino motion to mail every service area ratepayer a detailed explanation of how much total debt was involved, how it came about, or how it would be repaid. How did this come about? Informed sources say eight or more years ago the Treasurer's Office began to transfer money from financially flush areas to those not collecting enough to cover expenses, but failed to notify the Commissioners. Finally, someone at the County saw what was going on, but by then there was a $9.2 million shortage. Last year the County funded that shortage with a $9.2 million loan from all county taxpayers. It must be repaid. Current County law requires each individual service area be self-supporting. In other words, all costs to operate the service area must be paid only by the rate payers in their service area. Those who want to ripoff Ocean Pines never mentioned that issue. If Fiori, Elder and their two supporters, Mitrecic and Purnell, have their way, lot owners in Ocean Pines will be ripped off for about $600 per lot when the dust on this fiasco finally settles. Bertino deserves and needs the support and encouragement of every Ocean Pines ratepayer, not to mention the OPA Board of Directors, if this Fiori/Elder politically-inspired financial ripoff is to be stopped. A public hearing to set rates in the service areas is set for May 6, 2025 at 6 pm in the County Office Building. |
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![]() 3/29/2025 - 9:00 A.M. |
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