
Video: Budget Public Hearing
OPA board member Mark Venit made a motion at the 1/18/2005 board meeting asking  the board to comply with the by-laws and instruct General Manager to hold a public hearing on the proposed 2006/2007 budget prior to board final vote on the document.

One might reasonably assume such a motion would be a no-brainer for passing, and it did. However, it took this board nearly 30 minutes of discussion to come to a vote.

The public hearing will be held on Febuary 15, 2006 at 7 PM, with a tentative location of either the Community Hall or Country Club.

The by-laws state:

Section 9.04.  Annual Budget.  The General Manager shall prepare a proposed budget in accordance with Section 9.02 (g) and 5.15 (a) of these By-laws.  Such budget shall provide a financial plan for the ensuing year and shall contain estimates of anticipated income and expenditures.  The General Manager shall hold a public hearing on the budget as proposed by the General Manager and Budget & Finance Committee prior to the final approval by the Board of Directors.

For the last few years no such public hearing has been held. Thanks to Gail Kretchmar for bringing this to everyone's attention on the forum.