
Video: Coleburn on OPVFD
OPA board member George Coleburn presented information to the OPA Board of Directors indicating the preliminary Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department budget approved by the board last week for about $550,000 may have been based on incorrect income estimates for the fire department.

Coleburn provided the board with a document from Worcester County that he said indicates a county contribution to the OPVFD of some $53,000 more than OPA was aware of during its prior budget discussion. He also questioned budget consideration of $140,00 for depreciation as funds that would not be expended for operations. Coleburn said the net result was OPA providing the OPVFD with $193,000 more than it needed.

Coleburn did not make any motion relative to the OPVFD payment, but GM Dave Ferguson will review Coleburn's information and get back to the board prior to a final vote on the budget.

 Coleburn says if his numbers are correct, the figure of $193,000 would be more than enough to eliminate a $20 assessment increase this year for OPA lot owners.