
Video: Cook's Golf Budget
In a surprising shift in expected OPA board voting blocks, Heather Cook's motion to revise the OPA golf budget passed by a one-vote margin. For those who follow board machinations closely, the results of the vote on golf (as well as other votes at the board meeting on Wednesday) could only be characterized as amazing. Voting with Cook were George Coleburn, Janet Kelley, and Mark Venit. Prior to the vote, an attempt by Glenn Duffy to refer the issue to staff failed to garner a necessary majority.

Voting against the Cook proposal were Glenn Duffy, Dan Stachurski, and Reid Sterrett. Stachurski seemed especially incensed over a vote representing one of the few times in recent years when he was unable to see his view on an issue prevail. Also visibly shaken and upset over the vote was General Manager Dave Ferguson.

Cook was not happy about the golf budget approved by the board last week and presented an alternative she said would hopefully have the golf operation break even this year. Her plan calls for lower full member fees, higher afternoon fees with times beginning at 1 PM, as well as a new "Trail Fee" for those who choose to walk. Cook said her plan was much simpler than the one proposed by staff and easier to market.

Cook said it was not fair that roughly 50% of golfers take carts and produce more income for OPA, while those who walk do not contribute a similar amount to the bottom line. Her Trail Fee would be a charge for walkers set at about $9 for 18 holes. The Trail Fee is an alternative to the much-mentioned, but never implemented, mandatory cart fee.

At one point Stachurski brought Ralph Menton, President of the Golf Board of Governors, into the discussion after a suspension of the rules. Menton was incensed over Cook's proposal, not because he necessarily disagreed with it, but because she had not spoke with him about it prior to the meeting. He said he was "appalled" at Cook's failure to discuss this with the Governors. Cook explained the time constraints she had worked under and agree to discuss it with him at any time.

Interestingly, Menton has previously stated that neither he nor the Golf Governors are qualified to "tweak" the golf budget, and also adding that neither were the board or the General Manger. Menton would like to see a consultant hired to look at the overall golf picture and "tell us where we should be going." Some estimates put a cost for such a study at around $40,000.

He said he could not say Cook's proposal was "good, bad, or indifferent" and "none of us know what's going to happen" if Cook's proposal is implemented.  However, based on Menton's prior comments, he more or less felt the same about the staff proposed budget.

At any rate, view the video and make up your mind.

Note: A dead battery caused loss of sound in the final moments of the discussion after an all-day board meeting. The vote was as stated at the top.