
Video: Stachurski CC Update
OPA board member Dan Stachurski updates board on progress with new Community Center during meeting of 1/18/2006. Stachurski's report was short -- he is not yet in a position to report on "what can be built and for what kind of money." Stachurski said he hoped to have some information by the end of the month and will then ask the board to schedule a special meeting to discuss only the Community Center project.

Janet Kelley questioned Stachurski about the building size and cost as passed by the referendum, mentioning newspaper articles indicating Stachurski felt the cost might be higher than the $3.9 million. Kelley said she did not want to "break trust" with the lot owners by the board allocating more than $3.9 million for the new building.


View the video to see the exchange.