
Video: Golf Change
OPA Board passed Dan Stachurski motion to eliminate the $1000 golf initiation fee. Vote was unanimous with four directors present -- Duffy, Stachurski, Cook, and Sterrett. Golf Governors president Ralph Menton sat in on meeting and participated in the discussion.

Motion as follows:

Whereas, the Ocean Pines Board of Directors did, as part of a Budget Review Session conducted January 7, 2005, establish a $1000.000 new member initiation fee that became effective July 1, 2005, and

Whereas, the Ocean Pines Board of Directors has not changed this policy for Fiscal Year 2006-2007;

Therefore, it is moved that the Board of Directors rescind this fee effective July 1, 2005, and return any such $1000.00 initiation fee paid by a golf member in good standing as of March 28, 2006, to said member in the form of a credit toward the member's fiscal 2006-2007 golf membership fee.