![]() ![]() Section 5: OPA Board Subject: Court Finds for Janasek Msg# 1173578
Your boy is a repeat offender. There’s no getting around that. Tough Guy has displayed variations of the same lousy behavior multiple times, over multiple years, in the same bar. Zero consequences. Zero shame. Your boy was not unfairly targeted by a politically hostile Board. Your boy crossed the line one too many times in literally the same place and someone(s) attempted to hold him accountable because management, for some inexplicable reason, chose not to. Personal responsibility. Accountability. I’m beginning to think that these concepts don’t hold much water around here. Your legal argument that the Board acted outside of their authority is reasonable. Your continued assertion that your boy is some kind of victim of ”bad faith” small town politics and that what he did (multiple times) isn’t that big of a deal and probably happens all the time is ludicrous. You won your case. Congratulations. You can probably stop trying to sell everyone on the “Poor Tom” narrative. I’m sure he’ll give you a call when he gets wasted, says the wrong thing to the wrong guy’s wife or whatever, and gets popped in the face. |
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: The judge ruled that the elected OPA Board of Directors could not ban an association member in good standing from an amenity. If the board lacks this authority, how can employees or contractors of OPA exercise such authority, given the current state of the governing documents, whether the ban is for an hour, a week, or 90 days? How can employees at our business venues know if any individual is a member in good standing since that now seems to be a key issue in any action initiated against patrons by an employee or employee of a contractor supervised by the GM? Joe -- You're seeing some great problem here where there is none. The Board had never before banned any member from amenities for conduct reasons. Ever. In all the years the OPA has owned and operated Food and Beverage amenities. And all has been fine, for all of those years, in OP. In all of those years, I'm certain rowdy OPA members have been effectively dealt with by facility management, many, many times (i.e., have been shown the door when appropriate). Nobody has filed any case over that, and nobody will. The OPA Board has never needed to become involved in member conduct at amenities in the way they selectively (and unnecessarily) chose to with Tom. And all has been perfectly fine. There is no crisis or awful consequence here for the OPA or its amenities. The import of the Judge's decision is, narrowly, that the Board majority couldn't do what it chose to do in this instance, and was acting in bad faith in this instance. That's all. The sky will not fall in OP because of that ruling. Things will keep humming along at the Yacht Club just as they have forever, and just as they have in the 5 months since May 20th. The OPA doesn't need, and has never needed, the type of Board member action that caused this lawsuit to be filed, period. |
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