![]() ![]() Section 5: OPA Board Subject: GM Challenges Board Msg# 915173
Hi Marty,
"No, because in my opinion the team of Jack Collins, Tom Terry and others did an admirable job when narrowing us down to four finalist" I wish to concur with the opinion above. Jack Collins did a masterful job as MC of the meeting and told a great joke besides. What more can you ask for? Anyone at the golf presentations on February 20,2015 with an open mind (if that's possible) would have to go with Landscapes Unlimited. Mark Mattingly's presentation was professional, concise and covered issues that should be of utmost importance to both golfers and residents of OP. He pointed out exactly what they hoped to achieve and how they hoped to accomplish their goals. What this means is, if LU is faltering, we have a means to measure how well they are doing in achieving the goals they set forth. I belong to a group in OP called the 19th Holers. They have 67 golfers of which about 40 play every Wednesday afternoon weather permitting. The majority of which don't feel welcome to Play in OP, however they live in OP thus paying to maintain the golf course through their assessments. This is not a healthy situation if we really want to minimize losses on the golf amenity in OP. If 40 golfers play twice a month for 8 months at $20 per golfer that reducers the deficit by about $13, 000 per year. This doesn't take into account the money they will spend at Turns Grill! And they play mostly after 1:00 PM when the course is mostly empty. But I and another golfer were told this would be unethical!!!? Over all I think our GM is doing a good job. He is in the middle of everything. Its damned if you do and damned if you don't. I think he should supervise the golf operation and held responsible if LU is not living up to their contract, then answering to the Board. You can't have LU answering to seven board members if we want to hold them accountable. Anyone who has attended any of the recent meetings on the golf situation has seen that the Golf Council has turned out in mass to support BCG. Obviously they are putting great pressure on the GM and this obviously explains his interest in the decision to replace BCG with LU. This is another reason why OP needs a "Golf Advisory Group" to insure OP golfers, the Golf Council and OP residents are adequately and properly represented. Frank |
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: Ed: "Was he at the meetings that evaluated the candidates" Yes he was. "did he insist that the background checks were inadequate at that time" No, because in my opinion the team of Jack Collins, Tom Terry and others did an admirable job when narrowing us down to four finalist. They were all well vetted. I think you are correct when you say "he is now scratching around for reasons to reverse the decision". Marty |
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